The Doughs


The classic shape of the Neapolitan pizza, but constantly evolving in terms of doughs and toppings. In fact, Giovanni starts from the classic round shape with a high rim typical of the Neapolitan pizza. From there he experiments with whole wheat and semi-whole wheat flours, elaborated topping and reasoned combinations down to the smallest detail. Giovanni offers a reinterpretation also for the most traditional pizza, his own vision of the great classic in order to give a taste of the ancient aromas, but in a modern and entirely personal key.


The doughs are created from Giovanni’s selection of cultivated ancient grains, organically grown and blended in order to give digestibility, meltability to the bite, fragrance, aromas and natural flavours. Each dough is the result of in-depth research that brings together tradition and innovation, with the aim to obtain a dough that can properly enhance all the nuances of the toppings. In addition to this, Giovanni loves to introduce surprising aromatic notes into his doughs, using the herbs from his garden.


The doughs are created from Giovanni’s selection of cultivated ancient grains, organically grown and blended in order to give digestibility, meltability to the bite, fragrance, aromas and natural flavours. Each dough is the result of in-depth research that brings together tradition and innovation, with the aim to obtain a dough that can properly enhance all the nuances of the toppings. In addition to this, Giovanni loves to introduce surprising aromatic notes into his doughs, using the herbs from his garden.


Giovanni’s “alla pala” dough (or the “shovel dough”) starts from Agricola flour: a 100% organic mix of seeds and wholemeal rye, that gives the pizza an intense and aromatic flavour. The final result is a dough rich in taste and with an exceptional nutritional profile. The 85% hydration ensures a consistently light pizza with an irresistible crunch.


L’impasto al padellino di Giovanni è realizzato con farro e ceci, usati per ricordare e omaggiare gli aromi della farinata. Dopo 3 cotture diverse (al vapore, in padellino, al forno) si ottiene una pizza dal sapore deciso e dal profumo travolgente grazie anche alla tecnica di germinazione del seme usata per la realizzazione della farina, che arricchisce l’impasto con sapori nuovi e oligo-elementi fondamentali per la nostra salute.


Our toppings combine together pizza and cuisine in a balance of flavours expertly enhanced by the dough base. Giovanni’s goal is to let the people taste the raw materials at their purest. The product recounts and enhances Giovanni’s favourite places (Liguria and Campania) offering a proposal of fillings that delight and surprise through a respectful and creative use of local and national excellence.


Our toppings combine together pizza and cuisine in a balance of flavours expertly enhanced by the dough base. Giovanni’s goal is to let the people taste the raw materials at their purest. The product recounts and enhances Giovanni’s favourite places (Liguria and Campania) offering a proposal of fillings that delight and surprise through a respectful and creative use of local and national excellence.


Per la realizzazione delle sue pizze Giovanni fa un’accurata selezione tra i migliori presidi SlowFood, i prodotti locali a km0 e le primizie del suo orto. Qualità assoluta delle materie prime e sostenibilità vanno a braccetto in un’esperienza di pizza napoletana in evoluzione dove nessun ingrediente è lasciato al caso. Questa grande attenzione per ogni dettaglio ha dato vita alla nostra carta dedicata agli olii, con cui è possibile impreziosire le pizze di diverse sfumature.


For the creation of his pizza, Giovanni makes a careful selection between the best Slow Food presidia, Km0 local products and the best raw materials from his garden. Absolute quality of raw material and sustainability go hand in hand in the evolving Neapolitan pizza experience in which no ingredient is left to chance. This big attention for every detail has given rise to our oil menù, with which it is possible to embellish your pizza with different nuances.

Not only pizza


You can complete your experience with a large selection of delicious Neapolitan fritti. You will find the great classic of the Neapolitan tradition with Giovanni’s delicious modern reinterpretation.

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